Friday, October 18, 2019

Future of humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Future of humanity - Essay Example (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop) As a result of the environmental crisis the entire human race is suffering today and the failure to act by the present generation will have an effect on the future generation as well. The poor and the powerless are that sections of the society who bears the most dreadful consequence of the current environmental carelessness. The land and neighborhood of these people are most polluted and host to the toxic dumps, the water they get are not safe to drink implying a health hazard for them. Trapped in the spiral of poverty the small farmers, the industrial workers, the lumberjacks, the watermen, the rubber tappers, bears most of the burden of the economic adjustments camouflaged in the form of environmental remedies taken up by the society. They undergo the worst consequence from the loss of fertility of soils, pollution of rivers, city streets and the deforestation and at the same time they are forced to overdo the soil, clear the forest or migrate to marginal lands due to the overcrowding and unequal distributions of land. Their labor to eke out a bare subsistence adds to the problem of environmental degradation. The diversity of life marks God’s glory. The divine beauty is being shared by every creature as the divine integrity cannot be represented by one being alone. So the human being should show respect and reverence for the Creator by preserving and protecting the natural environment and the endangered species. Human being should make an effort to be compatible with the local ecology by ensuring the just use of technology and by cautiously evaluating the technological innovations as they are being adopted. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishop; Hanks, 454) Change is the only constant thing in today’s world. In the age of globalization, the Internet is the phenomenon that is changing the lives of everyone today. Everything is moving in a breakneck speed now and its impact is not limited to the economic sphere but also in the social spheres of our life. It has brought in fear with itself as the school children are offered drugs at their playgrounds and they are growing up sexually at a great speed. The parents today are stressed and fighting day after day grind to earn a living, which will raise the family’s standard of living. It’s more of a rat race now where the ethics and values of the society are disappearing. In the present era the bonding and ties of family, locality and the country are under continuous pressure and threat. â€Å"The change is fast and fierce, replete with opportunities and dangers.† (Blair) But enduring this change humanity will flourish provided man can minimize the harmful effect of globalization and use it instead for the benefits of him. The emergence of internet has narrowed down the gaps between the countries implying an economic change which proves to be beneficial for the world economy. The internet has concised the wo rld in one‘s bedroom and the exchange of information and knowledge has led to the emergence of a knowledge hub. The interaction and communication with the rest of the world has encouraged intermarriage which will definitely blur the racial and ethnic distinction resulting in fewer wars and who knows that can really stop the world from witnessing another world war. (Intermarriage ) In this era of globalization the world’s growing interdependence cannot be denied. Hence the

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