Friday, December 20, 2019

My Career As A Software Developer Working For Metricstream...

Q1. I started my career as a Software Developer working for MetricStream where I worked on their proprietary platform â€Å"AppStudio†. â€Å"AppStudio† is a rapid application development tool which is built on top of another tool called â€Å"Enterprise Governance Risk Compliance Platform†(EGRCP) . Both these tools very tightly coupled together and most of my work involved adding new features and widgets to this tool. My first major project involved creating a widget for editing templates and emails associated with business workflow (Workflows were developed using Workflow Designer). The sponsor for this project was our team’s product manager. We decided to adopt agile methodology for the development of this feature. We spent about a week in the†¦show more content†¦At the end of first cycle, when we showed the UI to the product manager, he was not satisfied. He felt that the UI was not consistent with our current theme, and asked us to implement an altogether different theme. All our hard work involved I was laid waste. Since this was my first major project I was quite upset about it and in fact felt that I was to be partly blamed for this fiasco as I did not work harder to understand requirements. This change impacted not only our deliverables but also created bad breath amongst the product manager and team members. After the end of second cycle, however, when we delivered the revised theme to the product manager, he was highly impressed and commended us for being able to maintain the same timelines despite changes in the requirements and expectation. We all felt greatly appreciated and were highly satisfied with the results of our hard work. Unknowingly, to ensure that we did not mess up the deadlines, we had reduced the amount of time we spent on unit testing. This impacted our third cycle as more bugs than expected were reported during it and we spent more time than allocated on fixing it. Finally, when the product was showcased by the product manager to other stakeholders, our product was greatly appreciated for being intuitive, attractive and user friendly. I believe despite the fact the requirements were changed when it came to designing the user interface it was greatly beneficial as the customers

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