Sunday, January 5, 2020

Spanking as a Disciplinary Method - 642 Words

In this literature review, the recent findings about spanking as a disciplinary method for a child is 70% of America adults agreed that it is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with spanking (Petts, 2002). Spanking helps the child fit into the real world happily and effectively. It is the foundation for the development of the child’s own self-discipline (Tobias, 1999). Discipline such as spanking is about teaching and guiding children, not just forcing them to obey. When using spanking to discipline, the child should always know that the parent loves and supports him or her. Trust between parent and child should be maintained and constantly built upon. Studies show that spanking, properly utilized, can lead to well-adjusted children (Dobson, 1992). The discipline of children has become a very controversial subject and emotional issue, especially in the light of today’s plague of child abuse. There will always be arguments on both sides. Some Christian parents view spanking as a solution for discipline their children according to Gods word. Spanking is used to instruct their children in the ways of God. It is important to view spanking in the total context of child development. While the Bible advocates corporal punishment, it also places stern restrictions on its use. Spanking should never occur when a parent is angry (Lansford, Wager, Bates, Pettit, Dodge, 2012). According to the Bible, parents must lovingly shape their children according to God’sShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Positive Punishment On Children1562 Words   |  7 Pageswhether or not infrequent spanking is related to the higher levels of externalizing behavior. Fletcher (2012) discusses whether or not the use of punishment is effective on children. Straus (1999) suggested about 15 years ago that it might be time to start outlawing spanking as a form of assault. Last, Berzenski Yates (2013) assess physical punishment, such as spanking, and how i t effects children’s behavioral and self-adjustment. Keywords: positive punishment, spanking, externalizing behaviorRead MoreEssay On Child Discipline1296 Words   |  6 Pagescorporal punishment is spanking. For years and years, the spanking debate has been a major parenting dilemma. There are those that believe that spanking is wrong and shouldn’t be used and there are others who believe that sometimes a good spanking gets the point across. Many articles talk about whether spanking is a good form of punishment when it comes to disciplining your child. Most people were on the side of spanking is bad form of punishment. In the article The â€Å"spanking debate: Views dependRead MoreIs Spanking Helpful?968 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever wondered what spanking a child does for them in the future? Some people argue that spanking a child will teach them to be respectful, while others prefer to find a different way to discipline them. I did a survey on my coworkers and college classmates to see what their thoughts on spanking a child for disciplinary purposes were. Let me just point out that I work in a lumber yard, so most of the survey participants are males, but I was able to survey a few females as well. The majorityRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1708 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscipline is better when corporal punishment is used. Many parents settle on corporal punishment as discipline method just because it s how they were raised; they never try to give it another thought. But we now know more about the effects of different methods of disciplining than was known years ago. Spanking is one common way most parents use in disciplining their children. But spanking can be humiliating for children, can cause anger, fear, aggression, and resentment, can cause physical harm; andRead MoreThe Spanking Issue: the Ethical Dilemma of Corporal Punishment1526 Words   |  7 PagesThe Spanking Issue: The Ethical Dilemma of Corporal Punishment This issue of corporal punishment is a current issue that many people have on their minds. The issue strikes an emotional chord for many whom were or were not punished by spanking during their own childhoods. The issue generally focuses on the effect that spanking or other discipline methods will have on children. I will specifically be exploring the question: is it ever appropriate to spank a child? The cases for and against the spankingRead MoreSpanking Young Children1366 Words   |  6 PagesAbout 60% of parents in the United States use spanking as a method to discipline their young children. In most cases parents believe that spanking is the only effective way to discipline their children. According to the â€Å"International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family†, spanking is often referred as; â€Å"one or two flat-handed swats on a childs wrist or buttocks, but would not include a beating with a whip or a belt, for others, spanking also includes slaps and pinches to th e leg, arm, back, or evenRead MorePosition Paper- Child Abuse and Discipline1181 Words   |  5 Pagesamong the most controversial topics currently, and they cause serious problems for children in the United States. Child abuse essentially focuses on the child’s bad behaviors and gives the child emotional and physical harms. Forms of abuse include spanking, hitting, saying negative things and corporal punishment. In fact, parental discipline is a much more appropriate way of dealing with negative behavior than using abusive actions on the child. The line between parental discipline and child abuseRead MoreCorporal Punishment Is A Discipline Method1650 Words   |  7 Pagescriminal law, â€Å"Spanking, also called corporal punishment, is a discipline method in which a person inflicts pain on a child without inflicting injury and with the intent to modify the child’s behavior. Forms of corporal punishment include hitting a child’s bottom, slapping, grabbing, sh oving, or hitting a child with a belt or paddle† (Mince-Didier). Supposedly people against spanking define it broadly so that it can be easily be connected to child abuse. People who support spanking tend to uses definitionsRead MoreParents and Physical Punishment1052 Words   |  5 Pagesparents more often than not resort to spanking their child(ren). That being said, many parents will readily agree that spanking a child should not be considered a form of child abuse. However, the question still stands: how far does the spanking have to go in order for it to be considered child abuse? Although some are convinced that there are better ways to discipline a child, there are others that maintain the idea that spanking is the best option for disciplinary action. There is a lot of violenceRead MoreThe Issue Of Corporal Punishment Essay2067 Words   |  9 PagesThe issue of corporal punishment, i.e. spanking, and whether its use should be endorsed or condemned, has long been debated. Research on this topic is difficult, especially because it is ethically impossible to assign children and parents randomly to groups that use spanking as a disciplinary method. And even if researchers track children who are spanked, it is just as impossible to accurately measure every contributing variable – from children’s behavior and parents’ intents, to the intensity of

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