Sunday, February 9, 2020

GW Restaurant Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GW Restaurant Project - Essay Example Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist. There are now many other PM tools available, for project design, analysis, control, and decision-making, such as Microsoft Project 2002. The ultimate goal of the project is successful establishment of the new restaurant named GW Restaurant. The project is important for expansion of George Wright's empire. Team has become an increasingly important part of business success. Efficient people management can lead the project to good result, while inefficient one often becomes the main reason for project failure. Therefore a great responsibility is incumbent on project manager. The project manager has sole responsibility and authority for project and contract direction and control, however he or she may delegate single or multiple responsibilities. A Project Management Plan is commonly used to document key management parameters in a central location and is updated throughout the project focusing on recognition of changes in program planning and management of those changes. (WBDG Project Management Committee 2005) As Gray and Larson write, projects must have a defined endpoint - this is contrary to the ongoing duties and responsibilities of traditional jobs. (Gray, C.F. and Larson, E.W. 2000, p.2) Duration of the GW Restaurant Project is 52 days; it starts 1st October 2005 and finishes 9th December 2005. All project participants are working without overtime. I think that absence of overtime produces more effective and qualitative work of personnel. Also if something goes wrong, it would be possible to make the team work on weekend and in that way to keep time limits. The time schedule for the project is built based on the Work Breakdown Structure. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used to provide a... As the report declar the ultimate goal of the project is successful establishment of the new restaurant named GW Restaurant. The project is important for expansion of George Wright’s empire. Team has become an increasingly important part of business success. Efficient people management can lead the project to good result, while inefficient one often becomes the main reason for project failure. Therefore a great responsibility is incumbent on project manager. The project manager has sole responsibility and authority for project and contract direction and control, however he or she may delegate single or multiple responsibilities. According to the report findings a Project Management Plan is commonly used to document key management parameters in a central location and is updated throughout the project focusing on recognition of changes in program planning and management of those changes. The time schedule for the project is built based on the Work Breakdown Structure. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used to provide a framework for breaking the GW Restaurant Project into Stages and Activities and then organizing them in a logical way. The critical path is a sequence of activities through a project network from start to finish, the sum of whose durations determines the overall project duration.

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