Thursday, September 26, 2019

Holocaust Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Holocaust - Dissertation Example (Langer, 1975) Being moved from one language to another, particularly from German into English, then into French, is bound to change some of the meanings as well as lose some of them. Language is such an ambiguous concept that denotations are simply never sufficient in translating the exact intended meaning of the author. Authors utilize connotations of words in the language as they know it, however, the implied meaning may be lost to the translator. It is a fact that in research, there is only an average of approximately 80 percent of success in the translation of the meaning the original written works. Though the exact percentage of accuracy of the â€Å"Night† is not provided, there were some things that the author did not intend in the English version of the book. Rodway's use of words were a little too strong and graphic, bordering on crude, with her description of certain sensitive scenes in the book. The original work written by Elie used a little bit of Hebrew and Germ an, wherein some of the definitions would have most probably been lost along the process of translation. There are implied meanings in a language that could be overlooked by a translator no matter how fluent or efficient they are. Records state that Elie have in fact used some Hebrew characters originating from ancient customs which necessitates even more expertise in translating his texts in order to perceive his true meaning. Throughout the book, particularly the English translation, there were some implications of objections to Christianity as a religion, as well as similar objections to Judaism. The main title of the book, â€Å"Night†, was made in reference to how Elie's family, and other Jews alike, used to pray to God to get the night over with a lot faster. The author wrote his frustrations and his inability to contemplate how a loving God can allow tragedies as such can happen. This version of the book has brought on outrage from the Jewish people as well as other gr oups. The first translation written by Stella Rodway received a both positive and negative reviews. However, the sales remained unaffected by the attention it did receive. In contrast to Anne Frank's diary, this book was received as a fiction rather than an actual chronological account of what has happened during the holocaust. The book was intensely personal, and some of the events did not quite tally with records of events that has occurred, which makes it an easy for critiques to question the validity of his stories. (Berenbaum, 1979) The book tackled life to death stories as it began with the foreboding doom by Moshe the Beadle, who was an escapee then to the stories of a prophet who was on the train to the camp and was only capable of having visions of fire. Certain analogies pertaining to how eyes filled with pain goes blank and all those eyes would be is two open wounds that are now just an abyss filled with expressions of terror. In one part of the book in particular, a stor y of a little boy who was hung to die with two grown men gripped a lot of readers in the past few decades that the book has been in publication. Again, condemning statements such as of how God, for all the flowery phrases used to describe him, can allow such cruelty and evil come upon his people was perceived as an insult by certain readers. Christianity, as

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