Sunday, September 29, 2019

Retention Policy on BS Tourism

INTRODUCTIONThe impact of the world tourism had made a significant spearhead in these recent years due to the rise in world economies and upsurge in global domestic consumption, which resulted to higher domestic capacity of individuals to consume and purchase. One of the prime beneficiaries of this high purchasing power and consumption is the world tourism sector, which relies from the chain of global interdependency of its diversified and complex actors from the international and national down to the domestic and local level.The Philippines is one of the more diversified and intercultural countries in the world apart from the beautiful sceneries and beaches it could offer. It is one of the reasons that in the recent years, there is a consistent influx of tourists, whether local or foreign, to the world-renowned tourist spots in the country. Thus, there is a renaissance in the tourism sector and industry. Furthermore, the tourism sector had contributed 5. 9% to the country’s G ross Domestic Product in 2011 as per the National Statistical Coordination Board.The tourism sector had in its manpower   3.8 million employees, or 10. 2 percent of national employment in 2011, according to data gathered by the National Statistical Coordination Board. As a result on this on-going growth, the Tourism sector requires the qualified manpower, which would cater the demands of this sunrise industry. The requirement of skilled and qualified manpower in the Tourism Industry in the Philippines necessitates the importance of proper and appropriate skills and training for the trainees and students in the Vocational, Technical and Tertiary academe, who vie to enter the tourism and hospitality sector.One of these institutions offering the much needed education and training suitable for the requirement of the tourism sector is the Lyceum of the Philippines University. The Lyceum of the Philippines University is one of the premiere universities in the country and one of the prim e movers on the academe of global competitiveness. The university had appropriately seen the result in the upsurge in world and domestic tourism sector and recognized the importance of introducing formal education in the tertiary level, which caters the manpower needs of this growing sector.One of these courses offered is the Degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism, among others in the related field. Nonetheless, one of the focal point in the academe is the quality of graduates with the highly specialized field of expertise they may offer to their potential employers. Furthermore, the Lyceum of the Philippines University, through the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, had introduced the Retention Policy in the B. S Tourism course, in order to ensure, the academic excellence of their students in this particular course.This retention policy is the requirement of at least a general point average of 2. 75, in order for a student to remain in the course program. I f the students failed to pass the 2. 75 average, he or she is required to follow the following rules: all students’ GPA should be 78 (2. 75) or higher 1st offense = the student will be given a verbal warning 2nd offense = student’s maximum load will be reduced by 3 units 3rd offense = student’s maximum load will be reduced by 6 units 4th offense = the student will be expelledHence, this research question arises from the foregoing: What are the impacts, advantages and disadvantages of the University’s Retention Policy over the tourism students of Lyceum of the Philippines University. Background of the Study Lyceum of the Philippines University is one of the prime universities located in the heart of the Metro. The Retention Policy is designed to maintain the high standard of hospitality education in LPU in order to meet the requirements of the profession. This research study will provide vital information, on how the retention policy can affect the standar ds of students and the faculty in the university.This research would focus on the freshmen and sophomore students B. S. Tourism since they would be greatly affected by the Retention Policy as compared to the Junior and Senior students in the program. Firstly, since the first and second years in the tertiary level deals mainly on the General Subjects in the curriculum as compared to the third and fourth years, whom the student focus their attention with their major subjects and on-the-job training.Secondly, the first and second year students are in a situation when either they are  forced to enter the program since it is the â€Å"in-demand† and â€Å"fad† courses; or convinced by their parents and peers; or spur of the moment, as compared to the third and fourth years, where they had decided that this would be their career for life. Lastly, the subjects were chosen, since they comprise the bulk of the students in the course. There would be a comparative study in term s on the advantages and disadvantages of the retention policy. The comparison would be the advantages and disadvantages on the perspective of the students involved as opposed to the standing of LPU in the academic community.Statement of the Problem This study aims to answer this question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Retention Policy of the Lyceum of the Philippines University on 1st year Tourism students in terms of: a. study habbit b. students perspective towards the new rules that the school will implement pertaining to retention policy Objectives of the Study This study aims to attain the following:To know the advantages of Retention Policy to 1st year Tourism Students To know the disadvantages of Retention Policy to 1st year Tourism Students To know the effect in study habbit of students regarding Retention PolicyHypothesis of the Study Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila will be implementing new selective Retention Policy starting First Semester of next school year. All students GPA should be 78 (2. 50) higher or else they have to follow some regulations regarding of the new policy. The action proposed by the participants is to have a better understanding about the impacts, advantages, and disadvantages of retention policy to the tourism students of LPU as perceived by the students. Significance of the Study Administrators of LPU-Manila.This study will be of significance to the Administrators of the university, for their better implementations of the rules and regulations within the campus, specially those that concerns the image of the institution and the welfare of their students. LPU-Manila Tourism Students. Awareness of this study would help the tourism students to be aware of their education and standards of the school. This study will also help them hone their skills and expertise in the field of Tourism Management. This research, in a way, can also inspire them on how they can be more productive and better citizens for the betterment of their future.Future Researchers. This research is important for those future researchers, who will conduct a study similar, or in relation to the above topic, for this to serve as their reference or guide. They can also improve other areas that will not be cover during the duration of this study. Scope and Limitations This study will embodies on the advantages and disadvantages of retention policy to the 1st year tourism students. Due to the limited time frame for this research to be conducted, this study will no longer dwell on other factors aside from those who mention in this study.Aside from the time frame, the researchers will also limit their respondents to 100 LPU-Manila Tourism Students especially the freshmen and sophomore since they would be greatly affected by the Retention Policy as compared to the Junior and Seniors students in the program for in-depth study, and a probable up close interview that will be relevant to this research Definition of Terms In or der to understand definitely what the researcher wants to convey in this work, the following terms and phrases are defined: Complex – a group of culture traits relating to a single activity, process or culture unit.Whole made up complicated or interrelated parts. Consumption – Major concepts in economics and also studied by many other social studies. The act or process of consuming resources. Diversified – reducing risk by investing in a variety of assets. One of the two general techniques for reducing investment risk. Any risk averse investors will diversity to at least some extent with more risk averse investors diversifying more completely than less risk averse investors. To increase the variety of the product. To balance defensively by dividing funds among securities of different industries or different classes.Influx – arrival or entry of large number of people or thing. A coming in examples : an in influx of tourists. Inter- cultural – form o f communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social group. It used to describe the wide range of communication process and problems that naturally appear with in a organization made up of individuals from the different religions, social, ethnic and educational background. Competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures.Inter- dependency – a relationship in which each member is mutually dependent on the others. This concept differs from dependence and some are not. Man power – the number of people working or available for work or service. Power available or supplied by the physical effort of human beings and the total supply of person available and fitted for a service. Renaissance – a cultural movement the spanned the period roughly from the 14th to 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Age and later spreading to the rest of Europe.Contributed the development of th e conventions of diplomacy and in science an increased reliance on observation. Retention – the act of retaining. The conduction of being retained, capacity or power of retaining. An ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experience. Spearhead – someone who leads or initiates an activity. Influence in an undertaking or development. To serve as leating element. Upsurge – the strength or quantity of something. A rapid or sudden rise. World renowned – widely know an acclaimed.

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