Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Independence at Catalonia-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Independence at Catalonia. Answer: Catalonia is a part of the Spain and divided into four provinces such as Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona. It is an autonomous community and the capital city of the state is Barcelona. In recent times, the state is being highlighted in many journals and newspapers due to its independence war with Spain (Muoz and Guinjoan). The revolution begins in the year 1922 and Francesc Marcia was the founder of the movement. Modern independence movement has begun in the year 2006. In that year a referendum had been made in between the Spanish government and Catatonia and the same has been challenged before the apex court as many of the referendum were unconstitutional in nature. It has been presumed that the movement regarding the independence has been initiated from that time (Serrano). A vote has been taken place in the year 2014 regarding the independence of Catalonia and it has been observed that 81% of votes are casted in favour of the independence of Catalonia and therefore the pro-independent president of the state has started to enchant slogan for independence (Crameri). On 1st October 2017, another vote has been casted and the report was more massive from the first one where 91% people have casted their vote for the independence of the state. On 27th October, an independent republic has been established by the resolution of the Parliament of Catalonia and that get support from various parties (Jolly). Before getting into the aftermath effect of the independence movement, it is required to point out the significance of the important movements that had taken major role in the current situation. The seed of the movement derived its origin from the Estat Catala founded by Fraancesc Marcia, who has signed one agreement with Spanish government and introduce the system of autonomy. However, the party was broke away in the year 1940 and formed a new party named National Front of Catalonia (Serrano). The party was supported the language of the state and pronounced their vision for the interest of the independence (Calzada). In 2006, many political parties of the state has raised their voice on behalf of the independence and the war is still going on. However, there are certain reasons lying behind the independence movement of Catalonia and that can be stated in the subsequent paragraphs. The independent character of the movement was provoked by the decision of the apex court of Spain in 2010, where it has been pronounced that many provisions of the referendum passed in 2006 were unconstitutional (Colomer). The political parties are began to protest the fact that Catalonia should get independence from Spain. It has been observed earlier that the provinces of Catalonia casted vote for the interest of the independence and therefore the president of the state Carles Puigdemont had declared the independence of the state unilaterally. The New Yorks Times has opted for the unlikely symbol of the state of Catalonia and points out the police violence in the state (Elias). It should be bored in mind that the state has pronounced its independence unilaterally, though other countries have not supported the independence movement and therefore, Catalonia, if get independence, has to take many steps regarding the development of the state (Guibernau). The first reform should be taken from the economic side as from various journals it has been observed that the yearly Gross Domestic Product of the state is 215 billion Euros but it depends on the Spanish states and therefore, they have to think about the altered way to retain this glory. Besides removal of the Spanish flag, it is also required to develop proper official sign for the state. The main problem is that certain important internal matters like the security system, defence, ports, airports and the railway authorities are imposed on the hands of the Spanish government and the head office of the same is situated in Madrid. Therefore, a thorough change or alteration is required in this case (Lepi?). The government of Catalonia should take necessary steps in this case. The spending catalogue of Catalonia is in the hand of Spain and Spain is enjoying the full-fledged power over the same. Besides this, all the necessary steps should be taken into consideration regarding the police force of the state and the taxation system should be regarded as the cause of disagreement regarding the interest of the state. The second concern regarding the independence of the Catalonia evolved with the dealing of international trade. It has been stated that most of the power regarding the trade has been imposed on the hands of the Spanish government and the transportation system is based on the modem like road, air, port and railway (Chamon and Van der Loo). However, it can be observed that these matters are exclusively under the control of Spain and the head office of the same are situated in Madrid. Therefore, if the government of Catalonia wants to improve the base of international trade, it will have to take necessary steps regarding the reformation of the transportation system. By international trade, it is being observed that a market where the goods of one country is being exchanged with the goods of another country. The share of the gross domestic products is held as important criteria in this case (Muro and Vlaskamp). In case of develop the base regarding the international trade, it is important to analyse the advantages of the same so that it could be better for the economic interest of the country. Through international trade, the category commodities can be determined and therefore, it will facilitate the condition of the country and provoke the state to export those goods. It has been reported by the CNBC that the most expected immediate effect of the independence is loss of jobs, deterioration of the wealth power and therefore, the state of Catalonia should have to expand its policies regarding the international trade and commerce (Fassbender). Certain policies are to be adopted to affects the flow of goods and export the subsidies through international trade. At first, it is required to point out the trade barriers and then set out the plans for the removal of the barriers and facilitate the ways of international trade. It has been stated by Gandolfo on International Trade and Economic Growt h that suitable economic policies are to be adopted regarding the promotion of the trade barriers. It has also been mentioned by Peter Lavelle that the economic barriers are needed to be planned and it should be support the process of economic sufficiency. It is therefore important to point out the effective policies over the situation. Catalonia should implement necessary policies regarding the taxation system, has to impose taxes on the export, and imported goods. Restrictions should be imposed on the exchange of drugs and other addicted goods and staffs. Subsidized loans are being generated to maintain a flow regarding the international trade so that the economy of the country could get benefit. The coming years will be one of the most important and critical to the politics of Europe. The political developments of UK, Spain and Belgium will face turmoil in the coming years. The researcher this report have highlighted the case of Spain, which has seen a long range of political battles on the grant of independence to Catalonia (Tortella). The major hiccup that exists on the independence of Catalonia is the silence of the European Union Treaties on the possibility of transforming to individual member states from just autonomous states. The treaties are designed in such a way that they do not adhere to the policies of the new states. However this is not the only concern as because the president of the European council of states and the European Commission has strictly mentioned that Catalonia would be losing their European Union status upon independence. The commission has stated that to regain the membership status the newly independent country have to re apply for membership u nder Article 49 TEU. The proponents of the Catalonian independence do not go with the view and they believe that such a thing is very unconstitutional and is a strong attempt to disrupt or crush their fight for independence (Serrano). The biggest argument in such a favour is that if a region under the jurisdiction of the European Union acquires independence on the basis of constitutional and democratic process in line with the core values of the union are mentioned in Article 2 the country have the right to become one of the member states of Europe. Spain is however suffering economically because of the Catalonia crisis (Fassbender). The government of Catalonia has agreed that it would play a major role in the redistribution of wealth across the region. The government of Catalonia will obviously need to sponsor a large scale investment in creating new structures that will help it to easily6 adapt to the change in the political surroundings after the independence of the country. It i s important to establish new Central banks and other monetary institutions that will help in the creation of the new state easily. Another problem that exists is the debt of the government. The newly formed Spanish state and the Catalonian government has to negotiate a deal to allocate the joint assets and the liabilities of the government. The Catalan Government has to seek funding from the financial markets. The following possibility can only happen once the state becomes independent and have an own tax system that is able to set its own policies for raising taxes (Oskam). The newly formed state of Catalonia can have an alternative entry to the European Union trading space by entering into an agreement with EFTA which is a substitute of European Union. The articles 56-60 of the EFTA constitution explains that in order to become a member of the following group the particular region must shed off its autonomous status and become an independent state. Thus the road is clear for Catalonia to easily become an EFTA member to make sure that it does not face any constraints from doing free trade with other member countries or with countries of other continents (Bel). The agreement can be established in two ways. The first one being Catalonia and the European Union can decide on a unilateral way to not impose tax duties on the goods that are manufactured in the respected territories. On the other hand both of them can sign a bilateral agreement to guarantee the free trade and services and can also define a common corporation framework. Another way to establish trade is signing up free trade agreements with other custom unions or with the third states. As mentioned earlier the country can face serious hurdles on signing up a trade agreement with the European Union and thus the Catalonian Government can themselves sign up new trade agreements with the interested countries to make sure that they have a proper trade going on round the year (Guibernau). Some of the other problems that would be faced by Catalonia is the establishment of borders which would usher in corruption in trade and would lead the suppliers and the people to malpractices. The state will also have to establish its own standards of trading regulators and must start healthy discussions with Spain on setting up its own trade agreements. The other disadvantage, which is perhaps the biggest, is that Catalonia is not a member of the World Trade Organization. Not being the member of such a global trade platform puts the country in a jeopardized situation once it is independent (Elias). The people residing in Catalonia would also face difficulties on issues related to visa or foreign travel as because the citizens will lose the status of being a European citizen and thus will be treated as a foreign national even in visiting Spain (Luis Garca). Catalonia also must adapt a new currency so that it does not face any problems on being ousted from European Union and be rejected to allow Euro as its national currency. The European Union does not recognize peseta as currency anymore and thus Catalonia has to develop a new currency in lines with the European treaties or EFTA. The adoption of new currency will surely pose a huge challenge to the new state as because for such a development the Government of Catalonia must immediately held talks with Both Spain and European Union and standardize a currency for use in the country. After all this it will be their task to set up a currency producing unit that can meet the currency demands of the new state. Either the country has to take Euro as their currency or some other recognized currencies to start with. Being one of the most smallest states and surrounded on all sides by the largest economies of the world will mount more tensions on the country as because the goods imported in the country will see an automatic rise in price and thus will make the living cost much higher as compared to other European nations. The Catalan Government has to take some strict measures to control such a situation where the country can impose strict capital controls where the capital cannot be transferred outside the country (Crameri). The country has to take into account all such different possibilities to make it easier for the country towards a smooth and easy independence. The decision regarding the currency has to be taken by the advisory council of the Catalan Government. Catalonia is working in tandem with fine tech experts of Estonia to create a new digital currency that will help them to attain independence from Spain. Some of the hardliner separatists are said to be working on a new block chain currency similar to the plan B initiative that was used during the financial crisis of Greece. The cryptographers of Barcelona have been taking advice from experts to create the cur rency in such a way that it becomes the most advanced in todays world. The country also has aims to create the currency that is free of control from both Spain and the central bank of European Central Bank. Catalonia is one of the most economically viable states of Europe as it has an annual GDP of $196billion much bigger than many of the European countries (Balcells). The above analysis thus clearly determines the different problems that exist on the split up of Catalonia from the state of Spain. The government of Catalonia has elaborate plans to make sure that they does not face any problem regarding the creation of the state and thus has plans to tackle such problems. The creation of the economic infrastructure and the creation of a new currency is certainly one of the positive steps towards such an achievement. The globe is waiting eagerly to witness such a mega event and whether the newly formed state achieves success in the modern world or not. References: Bel, Germ.Disdain, Distrust and Dissolution: The Surge of Support for Independence in Catalonia. Sussex Academic Press, 2015. Calzada, Igor. "The Right to Decide in Democracy between Recentralisation and Independence: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country."Regions Magazine296.1 (2014): 7-8. Chamon, Merijn, and Guillaume Van der Loo. "Scotland and Catalonia would face very real challenges in making a seamless transition to EU membership after independence."LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog(2014). Colomer, Josep M. "The venturous bid for the independence of Catalonia."Nationalities Papers(2017): 1-18. Crameri, Kathryn. "Political power and civil counterpower: The complex dynamics of the Catalan independence movement."Nationalism and Ethnic Politics21.1 (2015): 104-120. Crameri, Kathryn.Goodbye, Spain? The question of independence for Catalonia. Sussex Academic Press, 2014. Elias, Anwen. "Catalan independence and the challenge of credibility: The causes and consequences of Catalan nationalist parties strategic behavior."Nationalism and Ethnic Politics21.1 (2015): 83-103. Fassbender, Bardo. "The Place of an Independent Catalonia in the European Union."3rd International Conference Sobirania i Justcia, Barcelona, October 4th https://www. sij. cat/fitxers/Bardo_Fassbender. pdf. 2013. Guibernau, Montserrat. "Prospects for an independent Catalonia."International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society27.1 (2014): 5-23. i Gonzlez, Albert Balcells. "Working women in the factories and home workshops of Catalonia in the 19th and first third of the 20th centuries."Catalan Historical Review(2015): 71-82. Jolly, Seth. "Voting for Nation or State: Determinants of Independence Support in Scotland Catalonia."Browser Download This Paper(2014). Lepi?, Martin. "Limits to territorial nationalization in election support for an independence-aimed regional nationalism in Catalonia."Political Geography60 (2017): 190-202. Muoz, Jordi, and Marc Guinjoan. "Accounting for internal variation in nationalist mobilization: unofficial referendums for independence in Catalonia (200911)."Nations and Nationalism19.1 (2013): 44-67. Muoz, Jordi, and Marc Guinjoan. "Accounting for internal variation in nationalist mobilization: unofficial referendums for independence in Catalonia (200911)."Nations and Nationalism19.1 (2013): 44-67. Muro, Diego, and Martijn Vlaskamp. "The Spanish government must find a positive message for Catalonia if it is to reduce support for Catalan independence."LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog(2014). Oskam, Jeroen. "A new state in Europe? Scenarios for Catalan self-determination."Futures64 (2014): 51-60. Serrano, Ivan. "Just a matter of identity? Support for independence in Catalonia."Regional Federal Studies23.5 (2013): 523-545. Serrano, Ivan. "Just a matter of identity? Support for independence in Catalonia."Regional Federal Studies23.5 (2013): 523-545. Tortella, Gabriel, and Jos Luis Garca Ruiz. "The Peseta and the Bank of Spain."Spanish

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