Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Is The American Dream - 895 Words

Since the very first steps taken on American soil, people have dreamt of pursuing the American dream. What is the American dream? Many people believe that the American dream can’t be defined in one simple sentence. To some people the American dream means getting a new car and to others a new home, but for many Americans it has a deeper meaning. As we have seen, equality has been a struggle from the beginning; but it has led to the liberty within the country. The accomplishments that have been made within the United States did not come without struggles. For example, the line of a song by Francis Scott Key, â€Å"The rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air† demonstrates how this country fought to keep its main value: liberty. Not only have soldiers now, but also in centuries past have given up their happiness and many their lives for what they believe is right. Nevertheless, soldiers have faced misery and oppression from their enemies and their own country even to this day. Many soldiers have returned to their homes to find that they no longer have any of the benefits they are entitled to, leaving countless of soldiers going without food because of the lack of aid available to them. As stated by Francis Scott Key â€Å"†¦the land of the free and the home of the brave† demonstrates how soldiers set this country free. This has had an impact on how people value what they have today. Yet many people within this century have forgotten about the values that were established many yearsShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The Dream In The American Dream858 Words   |  4 PagesThe Dream in Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men is a novel written by John Steinbeck. The book tells a story of how two opposite individuals, George and Lennie cope with their problems as they travel around California in search of ranch work. Throughout the story Steinbeck displays realism. This category of literature is where the author does not sugar coat life. 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